Let Richard Put You at Ease

If – like almost half of all UK adults – you feel nervous or anxious about visiting the dentist, here’s something to help you finally relax.

Richard’s friendly, empathetic approach has helped thousands of patients find the courage to undergo treatment they’d been putting off for years. Richard’s commitment to supporting nervous patients has earned Richard coveted Phobia-Certified status.

He’s also highly experienced in a technique that could change the way you think about visiting the dentist forever.

Introducing Sedation Dentistry

With gentle sedation, even the most chronic of dental phobics can come to relax – and even enjoy – being in the chair.

It’s thanks to a gentle, calming relaxant that puts patients into a pleasant state. They stay conscious throughout, but time passes as though in a dream and upon waking, most are surprised to learn they’ve undergone treatment without knowing.

That’s why sedation dentistry is often referred to as sleep dentistry – and its relaxing, anti-anxiety effects are the reason phobic patients travel from across the UK to experience care with Richard.


A Word from Richard’s Patients